Friday, March 15, 2019
Movie - Philadelphia :: essays research papers
In the movie Philadelphia a policeyer named Joemiller takes a heroic move. His pilgrimage istaking a case dealing with an acquired immune deficiency syndrome patience that isworking in a distinguished law starchy . AndrewBeckon is wrongfully incriminate of losing animportant document regarding an important cortcase. To have the call of this hero moreinteresting, he has a personal bother withhomosexual behaver . Also , he has to dealwith society s mind-set on gays. Joe turnsdown the call at first, but then receives it afterwardrealizing that, Andrew Beckon has no iodineelse. Next, in the heros journey Joe goes though the"jumping off point" of his journey. He isinterfaced between the know, that AndrewBecker was laid-off from his job at the law firm.Also, The unknown why was he open fire from awell-known law firm after being called " virtuoso Ofthe best", by the head director. Joe Miller isfaced with finding the facts, chiefly ab issue whywas this "pro mising" lawyer without a job? Wasthe flack of Andrew Beckon because he was anactive homosexual with Aids? This being one ofthe biggest struggles taken by this hero? straight, In this case Joe faces many challenges. one being how people really feel abouthomosexuals. The second proving to the journeythat sex preference does not hold an individualworking superpower . The Third challenge, being upagainst highly trained layers being accused offiring aid patience. The forth challenge dealingwith, finding out why Andrew was really fired.Though the Joes whole journey in that location be twohelpers. One Andrew Beckon himself , is awareof what other law firms reactions are to aidspatience working for them. The other being Joeswife making him aware of whom in their familyis homosexual. With both of them influencing thishero, Joe is shown that some things are really arean important risk.He is just learnig that noteveryone thinks his way( Man and woman). this instant at this point in the movie Philadelphia Joeungues the abyss. He is faced with the sterling(prenominal)challenge of his whole journey. Can he win thiscase ahead Andrew passes on? Also, dohomosexuals really make people more or less ofa person? He cannot take any more challengesuntil he looks though himself to find the answersto defend Andrew.Joe Miller encounters a drastic change in the wayhe thinks and views about homosexuals after sack though the case. In the beginnings of hisquest Joe is afraid to even touch Andrew. Nowhe is like a brother to him, part of the family in asense. He now seems to look at homosexuals in a
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