
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Deciphering Communication Styles between Men and Women Essay

Deciphering Communication Styles between Men and Women - Essay Example For example the communicative style of a child is different from that of teenager or adult. It is the study about communication which has led me understanding the way I interacting with people is more complex than I assume. After studying about communication I have become more observant in communicating with people at home, work and online classrooms. I acknowledge that speaking itself does not constitute communication but equal importance must be given to listening aspect too. It is a two way phenomenon in which, both the speaker and listener have position to comply with. For example, communication between genders has different perspective when closely monitored. When I communicate with my mother and sister I perceive that I am more emotional, but when I talk with my father it is more of action – oriented and practical. As per (Sherwood,2013) â€Å"Women communicate through dialogue, discussing emotions, choices and problems. Males remain action-oriented -- the goal of commu nication is to achieve something†. Communication at Home and Gender concept The communication held at home is different from that of workplace or online classrooms. The communication process at home is informal whereas work place and online class rooms are formal. Communication is a two way process and people involved in it largely makes the nature of it. Communication is an art and interacting with women and men in this as a process largely differ. When I perceive the way in which I communicate with my mother and sister, I can understand I am using a different tone and style. I can understand that inequality does exist while communicating with females and males. My talking style is different with my mother and sister and it takes different direction when communicating with my Father. When communicating with men and women we can understand the functionalism concept in them as both the gender convey inequality. When I talk to my mother I find that she wants to connect to me emo tionally and wants to know about my wellbeing and physical status. My mother talks about choices, problems I encounter and think a lot before giving her decisions. Even my sister wants to achieve emotional satisfaction by communicating with me and be playful with me all time. She likes to argue with me without reason to engage more emotionally with me. However, my father is more serious while communicating and is direct in his speech. He gives practical solution to the problems I encounter in life and is guides me for a better living. According to (Lieberman,2009)â€Å"Men like to tell and give information rather than ask questions. They share experiences as a way of being one-up†. Communication at work place and gender concept Communication at workplace is different from home as the former is a formal environment. In my workplace my main communication is with my manager. My manager is a male and I can identify his communicative style to mostly resemble with my Father. I can find that he is very authoritative in his talking style. He is very reserved person and unlike female colleague is less problem sharing and expressive. When I talk with my female colleague, I find her as a talkative person, who enquires more about my life outside the office. I find her very pacifying compare to my other male colleague. As per (Tannen,2010) â€Å"I have spent more than three decades collecting and analyzing thousands of examples of how women and men interact and have found that men’

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