
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Godfather: An American Dream Story Essay -- Film Movies

The Godfather An American Dream Story The Godfather is the dark-side of the American dream tommyrot (Turan, pp2). The film follows the practices of a fictional Italian mafia family, the Corleones. Though most Americans do not excuse the practices of the Italian mafia, they cannot deny that Francis Ford Coppolas The Godfather is a cinematic masterpiece. This film gave insight to a mysterious way of life that the average person does not have knowledge of. As the audience is meliorate about the mafia they also be chisel ind to many stereotypes. Many of the films important scenes begin with one key character, Don Vito Corleone and the word Godfather The screen background is very dark as the film opens and a man is asking for the Godfathers help. Though the Don is not happy about the request he grants it, letting the man know that when the time comes he will have to do him a service as well. As the movie continues the audience is shown that it is a very special day it is Connie Corleone, the Godfathers daughters wedding day. This is an important factor in understanding why Corleone has granted this request, because of the tradition that no Sicilian can refuse anyones request on his daughters wedding day. With this line comes the insight that the family and the culture find old adult male tradition very important. Throughout the movie several people come to Vito Corleone asking for favors and services to be rendered. As the Godfather is commissioning work his daughters wedding continues on outside the house. This scene is extremely important to the movie, explaining the familys background and also the groups cultural background. Throughout this scene they introduce the audience to all of the characters ... ... educated the average person. The Mafia, as depicted by the Corleone family, is very close knit those that are not even actual family members are still considered part of the family. This movie can be watched repeatedly and each time i s as enjoyable as the first. It is a cultural eye destroyer and lead to two sequels and several other media items, such as todays television drama The Sopranos. Though the world does not condone what this lifestyle is about it will always be interested, and somewhat glorify the traditions and lifestyle of something so secretive and just plain bad. Works Cited Turan, Kenneth. Tale of The Godfather is large in Itself. Los Angeles Times 21 Mar. 1997. http//www.filmsite.org/godf.html http//www.mobposters.com/godfather.shtml

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